Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstract Title: Please Center Use Times New Roman 20pt. Bold (In English)

Full First Author¹, Full Second Author², and Full Third Author³* (Times New Roman 12pt. centered, bold)
¹Full affiliation of first author including country (in English Times New Roman 10pt. centered)
²Full affiliation of second author including country (in English)
³List all affiliations in the same way (in English)
*Corresponding author


  • Length: The abstract should be between 200 – 300 words.
  • Language: English  should be used, with spellings and language checked thoroughly.
  • Format: Please submit in MS Word document (Times New Roman 12 pt. alignment in block spacing 1.0).
  • Structure of the abstract:
    • Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to the research problem and objectives.
    • Methodology: Outline the methods and materials used in the research.
    • Results: Summarize the key findings or anticipated results.
    • Conclusion: State the potential impact and conclusions derived from the study.

Keywords: Provide up to 5 keywords in English.


  • References should be formatted according to the APA 7th edition guidelines.

Extended Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstract Title: Please Center Use Times New Roman 20pt. Bold (In English)

Full First Author¹, Full Second Author², and Full Third Author³* (Times New Roman 12pt. centered,bold)
¹Full affiliation of first author including country (in English Times New Roman 10pt. centered)
²Full affiliation of second author including country (in English)
³List all affiliations in the same way (in English)
*Corresponding author


  • Length: The extended abstract should be between 600 – 800 words.
  • Language: English  should be used, with spellings and language checked thoroughly.
  • Format: Please submit in MS Word document (Times New Roman 12 pt. alignment in block spacing 1.0).
  • Structure:
    • Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to the research problem and objectives.
    • Methodology: Outline the methods and materials used in the research.
    • Results: Summarize the key findings or anticipated results.
    • Conclusion: State the potential impact and conclusions derived from the study.

Keywords: Provide up to 5 keywords in English.


  • References should be formatted according to the APA 7th edition guidelines.

Here is an example: Extended Abstract Example

Paper Submission Instructions

Paper/Article Title: Title of the Full Paper (Times New Roman 20pt. Bold, Centered, in English)

Author Information:
Full First Author¹, Full Second Author², and Full Third Author³* (Times New Roman 12pt. Centered, Bold)*
¹Full affiliation of the first author, including department, institution, city, and country (Times New Roman 10pt. Centered)
²Full affiliation of the second author, formatted similarly (Times New Roman 10pt. Centered)
³Affiliation of the third author, if applicable (Times New Roman 10pt. Centered)
*Corresponding author: Indicate with an asterisk the author responsible for correspondence. Provide the email address in the footer.

1. Paper Content

The paper should provide a comprehensive overview of your research, including detailed descriptions of the methodology, results, and conclusions. The paper should be structured as follows:

  • Length: The full paper should be between no more than 12 Pages . This page count includes the title, author information, and references but excludes tables and figures.
  • Language: Use English spelling and grammar. Ensure that the language is clear, precise, and suitable for a professional audience. Thorough proofreading is essential to eliminate errors.
  • File Format: Submit the full paper in an MS Word document. Use Times New Roman 12 pt. font, with the text aligned to the left and single-spaced. Leave a 10pt space between sections.

2. Structure of the Paper

The paper should include the following sections:

  • Title: The title should be descriptive and concise, accurately reflecting the content of the paper.
  • Abstract: A brief summary of the paper, usually 200-300 words, highlighting the research problem, methodology, key findings, and conclusions.
  • Keywords: Provide up to 5 keywords that best describe the content of your research.
  • Introduction: Provide an introduction to the research problem, including background information, a review of relevant literature, and the specific objectives of the study. Clearly state the research question or hypothesis.
  • Methodology: Provide a detailed description of the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used in the study. This section should allow others to replicate the study.
  • Results: Present the data, findings, and any statistical analysis performed. Use tables, figures, and graphs where appropriate to illustrate the results.
  • Discussion: Interpret the results, discussing their implications in the context of the research question and existing literature. Highlight the significance of the findings and any limitations of the study.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of the study, discussing their broader implications and potential future research directions.
  • Acknowledgments: Mention any funding sources, institutional support, or individuals who contributed to the research.
  • References: Include a complete list of references cited in the text. All references should be formatted according to the APA 7th edition guidelines.

3. Tables, Figures, and Equations

  • Tables: Number tables consecutively as “Tab. 1”, “Tab. 2”, etc. Each table should have a concise caption and should be referenced in the text.
  • Figures: Number figures consecutively as “Fig. 1”, “Fig. 2”, etc. Each figure should have a descriptive caption and should be referenced in the text. Ensure that figures are of high quality and easily readable.
  • Equations: Center all equations and number them consecutively as “Eq. 1”, “Eq. 2”, etc. Use a consistent format for all equations, and ensure that they are clear and accurate.

4. References

All references cited in the text must be included in a reference list at the end of the paper. References should be formatted according to the APA 7th edition guidelines. Ensure that all citations are complete and accurate, and that all sources are properly acknowledged.