GSR2025 Accommodation Confirmation Form

Form Description:

This form is only for students who are recipients of financial aid and have opted for the accommodation coverage option. Please complete this form to confirm your attendance at GSR2025 and provide details regarding your accommodation requirements. Accommodation will be booked from February 3 to February 7, 2025, by default upon confirmation. However, if your travel plans require adjustments, you may specify alternative dates.

Confirmation of Attendance

This form is only for participants attending in person.

Upload an image or PDF of your flight booking to confirm your attendance.
A screenshot of the email you received from the travel agency will suffice.

Accommodation Details

By default, your accommodation will be booked from February 3 to February 7, 2025. If your travel plans differ, please indicate your preferred dates below.

Note: This option is only for students who were unable to find suitable flight arrangements for the default dates.